
Body Positive Seattle Boudoir Photography Session with Ruby

Boudoir sessions are personal and intimate. They foster feelings of strength and empowerment. They are about building confidence. These are just a few reasons why I love photographing boudoir sessions so much.

I have found a lot of clients are interested in boudoir photos but it understandably causes some nervousness to think about posing in front of a camera in outfits that you’d normally reserve for the private spaces of your home. One of the reasons I’ve found a love of shooting boudoir is because I understand these feelings fully and make it my goal to create a space that feels completely safe and supportive. I love to capture genuine laughter in photos and always find a way to get whoever is in front of my camera giggling right after we get started. I always bring a professional hair and makeup artist to the beginning of boudoir shoots so that some pampering happens, too! While women never need hair and makeup services I have seen the positive emotional effects that even a little bit of pampering can have on someone and it’s well worth it. Plus, how often do we have excuses to get our hair and makeup professionally done anyway? We need to treat ourselves!

The 1000% stunning Ruby (please follow her on Instagram @rubalicious007) got in front of my camera a little while back for a session in my brand new (at the time) studio and she killed it in these photos. Her confidence and radiant smile absolutely blew me away. I was so humbled to hear her say that one of the photos from our session was her favorite photo of herself ever.

I have never blogged a boudoir session before because it’s new for me. Once I had a secure and private studio space available I felt like it was a good time to finally dive in and offer this to everyone. I have been so happy with the sessions I’ve photographed so far - all of them so different and so fulfilling in their own ways. Some women that come in for sessions are prior clients of mine, some are brand new to me, some are planning to use the photos as a gift to a significant other, while many are booking sessions as a gift to themselves.

If you’ve ever considered doing a boudoir session but have reservations I am here to chat with you about your questions and curiosities anytime. The women I photograph tell me that they felt beautiful in the moment and love how they look in their photos, and I promise to make sure the same thing happens at every boudoir session I photograph. If you’d like to chat about details and learn more about boudoir session click the button below to get in touch. I’ll write back to you within 24 hours!